Developing and sustaining a fulfilling analytic practice
Presenter: Dr. Lena Ehrlich
April 18, 2021 Time: 2 to 4:30 pm Eastern time
Registration fee is $70.00 for those wishing to receive CEUs/CMEs There is no registration fee for those not wishing to receive CEUs/CMEs 2.5 CEUs available
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In this webinar, Dr. Ehrlich will share her experiences of the obstacles to and opportunities for building and sustaining an analytic identity and practice. Her reflections will be followed by a detailed clinical case presentation by a recent graduate analyst and the chance for small group discussions.
Lena Theodorou Ehrlich is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute and Clinical Supervisor at the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry. She has maintained a lively practice of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and supervision for 30 years. She has written on various topics, including resistances to beginning and deepening analysis, supervisory counter-transferences, and teleanalysis. Most recently, she authored Psychoanalysis from the Inside Out: Developing and Sustaining an Analytic Identity and Practice. Available on Amazon