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By making a contribution to The Denver Psychoanalytic Society, you are contributing to the creation and advancement of educational opportunities and to the expansion of the awareness and understanding of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic concepts.  You are supporting the educational programs open to all members of the community on psychoanalytic subjects making psychoanalytic understanding accessible, and you promote intellectual discussion that demonstrate the relevance of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic understanding to every day life.

The Denver Psychoanalytic Society is a 501(c)3 organization and able to accept tax-deductive, charitable contributions.

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For example, if you are making a donation but you want you and your spouse to be recognized as making the gift, then enter both names here. Or, if you are making this donation but you want it listed as your business enter that.

Please save the donation receipt that will be e-mailed to you for your tax records.  The Denver Psychoanalytic Society is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, EIN 23-7056731.

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