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Continuing Education Credit

The Denver Psychoanalytic Society offers Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit for many of its programs, which are planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®) through a joint providership with the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsA).

Click here to learn more.

Event Emails

Many of our emails get filtered through secondary inboxes, so please do a search within your inbox for key words such as: Denver Psychoanalytic Society, Zoom link, and/or the name of the speaker or title of the event to find emails after you have registered for an event.

Event reminders are typically sent 7-10 days in advance. For virtual events, registrants receive a reminder email with the Zoom link the day before and the day of the event.

Society Committee Meetings

Society BOD and Coordinating Committee Members may click the link below for more information about meeting dates.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to explore events offered by other organizations.

Upcoming Events

    • March 15, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
    • Virtual


    Click here to register


    CSCSW Members - $50 | Non-Members - $100 | Students - $20


    Fast forward thinkers, executives, engineers, therapists, nurses and individuals in various helping professions with years of experience often fall victim to Imposter syndrome. This condition does not discriminate against highly competent individuals from all walks of life. Imposter syndrome is often a debilitating condition where individuals are trapped in their own negative thoughts, skepticism of self, and self-doubt. Learn more about this condition and how to unleash clients from their own tombs of worry.

    Despite the rapid and creative growth of the workforce, feeling stuck appears to be a common encounter many professionals face. Such feelings are often associated with not being good enough, not being smart enough, and not feeling confident in one's contributions to their work teams, employers and/or colleagues.

    It's time to help individuals get unstuck and feel aligned to their strengths and talents. This webinar will be life changing for professionals who wish to uncover their confidence in their skills and hone their professional voice. It will cover effective CBT and ACT interventions to overcome and even utilize Imposter Syndrome to move forward in life.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Identify anxiety and depression symptom presentations associated with imposter syndrome
    2. Outline steps to assess and treat imposter syndrome
    3. List cultural factors for case conceptualization considerations
    4. Explore the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as treatment strategies to treat imposter syndrome
    • March 20, 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Virtual using Zoom
    • 80



    Many child clinicians are not trained in group work, yet they are often called upon to lead such groups. This program will offer a description of group work with children, summarizing curative factors and clinical applications. It will provide direct strategies for leading groups and understanding the clinical process. By detailing best practices, it will help participants apply the knowledge to their clinical work.

    This program is intended for psychoanalytically oriented mental health professionals at all skill levels. 

    CME Objectives: (Participants will be able to:)

    1. Describe three advantages to group work with youth.
    2. Describe the phenomenon of scapegoating and how it applies to groups.
    3. Explain five curative factors in child/adolescent groups.

    View or Download Flyer



    Seth Aronson, Psy.D. is Training and Supervising Analyst, Director of Admissions/Training, Fellow at the William Alanson White Institute (WAWI), where he has also served as Director of Curriculum. He is on the teaching faculty of the psychoanalytic and child psychotherapy training programs at WAWI. At Long Island University’s doctoral program, he taught child and adolescent psychopathology and psychotherapy. He has facilitated process groups for rabbinical students at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah for 18 years. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, and served on the editorial board of Psychoanalytic Quarterly.

    Beyond these formal roles, he has also presented and taught in many venues around the world, including Japan, China, Kazakhstan and Israel and has led a study program for mental health professionals and clergy for seven years.

    Dr. Aronson has written extensively on a variety of topics in the field, including group work with children and adolescents, play in analytic supervision, application of psychoanalytic ideas to work with youth in the community, working as a psychoanalyst and wearing a yarmulke, and the analyst's bereavement. Together with Craig Haen, he is co-editor of The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy (Routledge, 2017).

    He is in private practice in New York City.



    Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025

    Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM (MDT)

    Cost: To help cover costs, there is a fee to attend this event. Please choose the appropriate level when registering.

    • General Attendance (No CME Credit): $20
    • CME Credit - DPS Member: $30
    • CME Credit - Non DPS Member: $40 
    • Students: Free

    Location: Virtual using Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to registrants 24 hours before the event. 

    Many of our emails get filtered through secondary inboxes, so please do a search within your inbox for key words such as: Denver Psychoanalytic Society, DPS, Zoom link, and/or the name of the speaker or title of the event to find the email with the link. 

    Registration: Registration is required and must be completed by March 17, 2025. A confirmation email will be sent once registration is completed.

    This lecture will not be recorded.



    1.5 CME credits available 

    CME Certificates: To receive a CME certificate, the attendee must: pre-register, pay in full, attend the session with your name clearly labeled in Zoom, and complete an online evaluation within 7 days following the program.

    An email with the evaluation link will be emailed after the program. Credit will be issued for actual participation time in 15-minute increments. CME certificates will be emailed within 2 weeks following the event if the evaluation is completed. Enabling your video while participating is strongly encouraged.

    ACCME Accreditation Statement
    This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and Denver Psychoanalytic Society. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

    AMA Credit Designation Statement
    The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Disclosure Statement
    The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.



    Confidentiality: During all programs, we will follow rules of confidentiality for clinical case material including disguising identifying information. Please do not discuss any case material outside of this program. Recording without authorization is prohibited.

    Cancellation: There will be no refunds after March 17, 2025.

    Certificate Replacement:  If awarded a CME certificate, please retain for your records. There will be a $3 charge if the Society office must resend a certificate.

    To contact the Society office, please email

    • March 20, 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Virtual


    Click here to register


    This presentation focuses on the considerations and strategies that Maggie has developed in her 10 years of private practice, that have helped her with work veterans and increased successful outcomes for therapy in this population. This presentation will include data and statistics on lethal means, veteran suicide rates, and clinical diagnoses, as well as info on treatment modalities, and resources for veterans.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. This presentation will provide the most recent research and statistics on veteran suicide rates, lethal means, and most common clinical diagnoses among the veteran population
    2. This presentation will provide tips and strategies for working with veterans in psychotherapy that increase the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes when working with this population
    3. This presentation will provide information about how to create a Crisis response Plan with veterans
    4. This presentation will provide valuable resources/referrals for veterans.
    • March 21, 2025
    • April 11, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Virtual using Zoom
    • 37



    How do we practice safely and ethically in working with our patients and colleagues? We will cover various approaches to ethics, including possible unconscious issues, such as transference and countertransference reactions, including idealization. We also will discuss examples of ethical dilemmas with patients of all ages, parents, colleagues, and supervisors. We will provide selected readings and facilitate open class discussion during four one-hour sessions.

    CME Objectives:

    1. Discuss at least two ethical issues from the beginning to the post-termination phases of treatment.
    2. Describe and discuss at least two ethical issues in teaching, supervision, and clinical writing.
    3. Apply what you’ve learned from readings and discussion to prevent ethical lapses and boundary violations.



    Shoshana Shapiro Adler, PhD, known as “Shana,” enjoys helping her patients overcome obstacles to their creativity, success, and relationships. She is a child and adult analyst and licensed psychologist. She is on the faculty of the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis and adjunct child faculty at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. She has taught and supervised both nationally and internationally, particularly for psychoanalytic training programs in Chengdu and Yichang, China. In addition to her clinical practice, Shana co-leads a monthly peer supervision group with Anita G. Schmukler, DO for interested Association for Child Psychoanalysis (ACP) members. As coordinator of the Schools Committee of the Denver Psychoanalytic Society (DPS), she consults in the Denver Metro area (see DPS’ School Outreach Service). Integrating two of her long-standing interests, she chairs the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsA) Study Group on Meditation and Psychoanalysis.

    Anita Schmukler, DO is a Training and Supervising Analyst and Supervisor in Child Analysis with the Philadelphia Center for Psychoanalysis. She is faculty at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute and Past President of the Association for Child Psychoanalysis. She is the editor of Saying Goodbye: A Handbook for Termination of Child Analysis and Therapy and co-editor of volumes on Teaching Effective Supervision and Ethical Practice in Child Analysis and Therapy. She has authored numerous papers, particularly in child analysis.



    Date: Four Fridays on March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2025

    Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Mountain Time


    • CME Credit - DPS Member: $100
    • CME Credit - Non DPS Member: $120
    • CME Credit - Student: $60 (Registration for this category is limited. Please list your training institution during registration).

    Location: Virtual using Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to registrants 24 hours before the event. 

    Please note that many of our emails get filtered through secondary inboxes, so please do a search within your inbox for key words such as: Denver Psychoanalytic Society, DPS, Zoom link, and/or the name of the speaker or title of the event to find the email with the link. Once payment is made for this event, you will receive a confirmation email.

    This event will not be recorded.

    Registration: Registration is required. The deadline to register is March 19, 2025. Cancellation policy is listed below.



    4 CME Credits Available 

    CME Certificates:  To receive a CME certificate, the attendee must: pre-register, pay in full, attend the session with your name clearly labeled in Zoom, and complete an online evaluation within 7 days following the program.

    An email with the evaluation link will be emailed after the program. Credit will be issued for actual participation time in 15-minute increments. CME certificates will be emailed within 2 weeks following the event if the evaluation is completed. Enabling your video while participating is strongly encouraged.

    ACCME Accreditation Statement
    This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and Denver Psychoanalytic Society. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

    AMA Credit Designation Statement
    The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Disclosure Statement
    The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.



    Confidentiality: During programs, we will follow rules of confidentiality for clinical case material including disguising identifying information. Please do not discuss any case material outside of this program. No recording of case material is allowed.

    Cancellation: There will be NO refunds after March 14, 2025. Any refunds made before March 14th will be less a $10 administrative fee. 

    Certificate Replacement:  If awarded a CME certificate, please retain for your records. There will be a $3 charge if the Society office must resend a certificate.

    To contact the Society office, please email

    • March 28, 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Lowry Conference Center
    • 18

    The purpose of the film series is to encourage psychoanalytic dialogue with respect to creativity and movies. 


    Description:  No Country for Old Men is a 2007 American neo-Western crime thriller film written, directed, produced, and edited by Joel and Ethan Coen, (based on Cormac McCarthy's 2005 novel) starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, and Woody Harrelson. The story takes place in the desolate landscape of West Texas, where a man who stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and a case full of money, sets off a chain of events that leads to relentless pursuit by a ruthless killer.

    Format: The film will be shown in its entirety during the event followed by a presentation and discussion led by Dr. Moran.

    Discussant Biography: Michael Moran, MD, FABP is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis and member of the Denver Psychoanalytic Society. He maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis. His long-standing interests include Greek tragic drama, Shakespearean tragedy, and the origins of war. 



    New Date: Friday, March 28, 2025

    Time:  6:00 - 9:00 PM (MDT)

    Location: Lowry Conference Center located at 1061 Akron Way, Denver, CO 80230. There are plenty of free, accessible parking lots around the Conference Center. The film discussion will NOT be livestreamed.

    Cost: To help cover costs, there is a fee to register for this event. Donations are welcome during registration to help keep our programs affordable.

    • Nonmembers - $15 
    • Society Members - $10
    • Students - $0 (Please list your training institution during registration.)

    Registration:  Registration is required and will be capped at 49 participants due to film licensure limitations. Registration closes at noon (MST) on March 28, 2025.

    Guest RegistrationIf you plan to bring a guest, please include them during the registration process so we do not exceed our maximum.

    No CE credit offered.



    Confidentiality: During all programs, we will follow rules of confidentiality for clinical case material including disguising identifying information. Please do not discuss any case material outside of this program. Recording without authorization is prohibited.

    Cancellation: There will be no refunds within 48 hours of the event.

    Photography Notice: By registering for this event, I hereby acknowledge and agree that the Denver Psychoanalytic Society (DPS) or its agents may take photographs and recordings for DPS purposes, including but not limited to news, publicity, and fundraising purposes, without further compensation to me. All such photos and videos are the sole property of the DPS.

    To contact the Society office, please email

    • April 04, 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Lowry Conference Center
    • 47


    Description: The unconscious is always present, influencing, and changing. Increased understanding of how this occurs enhances our ability to help our patients. This lecture will focus on how the unconscious changes during the course of life via maturation, experience, and treatment.

    CME Objectives: 
    1. Describe how new external and internal factors, operating within principles of increasingly organized complexity and non-linear dynamics, are incorporated into the unconscious.
    2. Apply increased understanding of the unconscious to the clinical situation and formulate interventions to enhance the patient’s development.



    Rex McGehee, MD, FABP specializes in child adolescent and adult psychoanalysis. He is a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst of the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis and member of the Denver Psychoanalytic Society.



    Date: Friday, April 4, 2025

    Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (MDT)

    Location: Lowry Conference Center located at 1061 Akron Way, Denver, CO 80230. There is plenty of free, accessible parking around the Conference Center. The lecture will NOT be livestreamed.

    Cost: While this event is free and open to the public, there is a fee for those who would like to receive CME credit. Please choose the appropriate level when registering.

    • General admission for DPS Members - Free
    • General Admission for non DPS members - $20
    • CME credit for DPS Members: $30
    • CME credit for non DPS Members: $40
    • Students - Free

    Registration: Registration is required. The deadline to register is April 1, 2025 by 12:00 PM (MDT). Cancellation policy is listed below.



    1.5 CME credits available

    CME Certificates:  In order to receive a CME certificate, the attendee must: pre-register, pay in full, attend the session, and complete an evaluation. CME certificates will be handed out at the end of the event in exchange for a completed evaluation.

    ACCME Accreditation Statement
    This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and Denver Psychoanalytic Society.
    The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

    AMA Credit Designation Statement
    The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Disclosure Statement
    The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.



    Confidentiality: During all programs, we will follow rules of confidentiality for clinical case material including disguising identifying information. Please do not discuss any case material outside of this program. Recording without authorization is prohibited.

    Cancellation: There will be no refunds after April 1, 2025. 

    Certificate Replacement:  If awarded a CME certificate, please retain for your records. There will be a $3 charge if the Society office must resend a certificate.

    Photography Notice: By registering for this event, I hereby acknowledge and agree that the Denver Psychoanalytic Society (DPS) or its agents may take photographs and recordings for DPS purposes, including but not limited to news, publicity, and fundraising purposes, without further compensation to me. All such photos and videos are the sole property of the DPS.

    To contact the Society office, please email

    • April 07, 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Virtual


    Click here to register


    Physical and mental health are closely intertwined, and addressing one aspect often involves considering the other. Complex trauma and chronic stress are known to impact the body and can prevent individuals from experiencing the freedoms that therapy can bring because issues in the body are not addressed. In addition unresolved body dysfunction can show up as mental health symptoms. Knowing how to tease out these differences can be very impactful when it comes to treating individuals. In this discussion we will talk about some common mental health and physical health issues that pair together and explore ways to support clients including nutrition, meditation and other healing modalities to use in conjunction with therapy.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Understanding the body/mind connection and it’s role in mental health
    2. How body based illnesses can look like mental health symptoms
    3. Practical tools and resources to support clients to a more holistic approach to treatment
    • April 18, 2025
    • May 30, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Near CO Blvd. & 6th Avenue in Denver
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Participation in this course is restricted to individuals who have graduated from a recognized Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program (PTP)



    This course will build upon a long history of the study of sexuality - its role in development and the treatment relationship to facilitate the therapist’s ability to help their patient’s relationships, self-esteem, and well-being.

    This course is intended for mental health professionals who have graduated from a Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program (PTP).

    CME Objectives: 

    1. Describe the broad meaning of sexuality and how it changes with maturation.
    2. Analyze the manifestations of the sexual within the therapeutic situation.
    3. Apply the treatment to help the patient become comfortable with the complexity of their sexuality.

      Instructor Bio: Rex McGehee, MD, FABP specializes in child adolescent and adult psychoanalysis. He is a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst of the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis and member of the Denver Psychoanalytic Society. This will be his 12th session teaching the PTP Graduate Seminar.



      Dates & Times: Class will take place from 10:15 - 11:30 AM (MDT) for six Fridays on April 18, 25, May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2025.

      Location: The class will be in person near Colorado Blvd. & 6th Avenue. The exact address will be emailed to registrants prior to the start of class. 

      Cost: $190 for Society members and $225 for non-Society members. Your spot for the class is not guaranteed until the registration fee is paid in full.

      Waitlist: To help facilitate a good environment for conversation, the group size is limited to 10. Once capacity is reached, a waitlist will be enabled. 

      Deadline to register is April 11, 2025



      7.5 CME Credits Available

      CME Certificates:  In order to receive a CME certificate, the attendee must: pre-register, pay in full, attend class, and sign the weekly attendance sheet, and complete an evaluation within 7 days after the program. An email with a link to the online evaluation will be sent after the final class. CME certificates will be sent by email within two weeks of the last class. 

      ACCME Accreditation Statement
      This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

      AMA Credit Designation Statement
      The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

      Disclosure Statement
      The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.



      Confidentiality: During all programs, we will follow rules of confidentiality for clinical case material including disguising identifying information. Please do not discuss any case material outside of this program. Recording without authorization is prohibited.

      Cancellation and Certificate Replacement Policy: There will be no refunds after April 11, 2025; any refunds prior to  April 11th will be less a $10.00 administration fee.  Please retain your CME certificate for your records.  There will be a $3 charge if the Society office has to resend a certificate. 

      • April 27, 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • Virtual using Zoom
      • 86


      This conference will explore the dynamic between psyche and soma, using the theoretical frame of the Paris Psychosomatic School to enhance skills. Both adult and child clinical cases of patients suffering from somatic illness will be presented along with some specific mental organization that requires technical changes in the analytic intervention to improve strategies.

      Learning Objectives: 
      1. Describe specific unconscious issues associated with psychosomatic disorders.
      2. Demonstrate the techniques of analytic therapy in child and adult work when applying the theory on representing and psychosomatics.

      Click here to view a printable flyer.



      Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, MD, PhD is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in New York and member of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris and Columbia University Psychoanalytic Center. She chairs the COCAP at the IPA and is co-founder of Pulsion Institute. She has published on infantile depression, the Process of Representation, playfulness, the body in today’s world, psychosomatics issues and addiction.



      Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025

      Time & Schedule: This event will run from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MT). Please log in early so we may begin promptly. A  short break will be offered midway through the event. 


      • Students: $40 (Please list your training institution at registration)
      • DPS Members: $70
      • Non DPS Members: $80

      Your spot for the conference is not guaranteed until the registration fee is paid in full.

      Location: Virtual using Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to registrants 24 hours before the event. 

      Many of our emails get filtered through secondary inboxes, so please do a search within your inbox for key words such as: Denver Psychoanalytic Society, DPS, Zoom link, and/or the name of the speaker or title of the event to find the email with the link.

      Registration: Registration is required. The deadline to register is April 24, 2025 by 12:00 PM (MST).



      2.75 CME credits available 

      CME Certificates: To receive a CME certificate, the attendee must: pre-register, pay in full, attend the session with your name clearly labeled in Zoom, and complete an online evaluation within 7 days following the program.

      An email with the evaluation link will be emailed after the program. Credit will be issued for actual participation time in 15-minute increments. CME certificates will be emailed within 2 weeks following the event if the evaluation is completed. Enabling your video while participating is strongly encouraged.

      ACCME Accreditation Statement
      This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and Denver Psychoanalytic Society. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

      AMA Credit Designation Statement
      The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

      Disclosure Statement
      The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.



      Confidentiality: During all programs, we will follow rules of confidentiality for clinical case material including disguising identifying information. Please do not discuss any case material outside of this program. Recording without authorization is prohibited.

      Cancellation: There will be no refunds after April 24, 2025. 

      Certificate Replacement:  If awarded a CME certificate, please retain for your records. There will be a $3 charge if the Society office must resend a certificate.

      To contact the Society office, please email

      • June 13, 2025
      • June 15, 2025
      • Virtual


      The American Psychoanalytic Association is happy to officially announce the 114th Annual Meeting will take virtually from June 13-15, 2025.

      Add the dates to your calendar now!

      More information will be posted to APsA's Meeting Website when available.

    Other Calendars of Interest 

    Explore upcoming events from these organizations by clicking on their logos below. For CME events that are not associated with the Denver Psychoanalytic Society, please visit the links below.

    the above button links to a forum on the DPS website where other organizations have asked up to post their events.

    You can subscribe to the forum to get emails when new events are posted.

    The button above is for APsA member Institute/Centers/Society events listing.  They update this about once a month, and is not all inclusive.

    The below button is for APsA's events.

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