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The Society offers a variety of psychoanalytic programming throughout the year in the form of lectures, film discussion, salons, continuing education and conferences. Lectures, films and salons are free to the public unless you are requesting CME credits, in which case there is a small fee. Continuing education courses, workshops and conferences vary in topic, hours and fees. Information about upcoming events can be found on the events page.

 Lecture Series

Photo of participants at a lecture.

The Lecture Series begins at 7:00 PM on selected Fridays. Attendees listen to psychoanalytic topics followed by questions and discussion.

This series may take place in person or virtually using Zoom; see event details for information.

CME credit may be available.
Registration is required.

 Film Series

Photo of a girl eating popcorn and watching a movie.

The Film series begins at 6:30 PM on selected Fridays. Attendees are asked to view a major motion picture prior to the event so the evening can be spent in discussion. 

This series may take place in person or virtually using Zoom; see event details for information. 

CME credit is not usually offered for these events.
Registration is required.

 Salon Series

Photo of a small group meeting in a home.

The Salon series begins at 7:15 PM on selected Tuesdays and is held virtually using Zoom or in the homes of various Society members.

These informal gatherings cover psychoanalytically and psychodynamically oriented topics of general interest.

CME credit may be available.
Registration is required.

 Continuing Education

Photo of adult class participants.

Continuing Education courses, workshops, and conferences are offered to mental health professionals. Courses vary in topic, hours, and fees.

Courses may take place in person or virtually using Zoom. 

CME credit may be available. Registration is required.

Diversity in Psychoanalysis

The Diversity in Psychoanalysis Committee offers book discussion groups in conjunction with the Continuing Education Committee. Learners discuss a books’ content as it relates to clinical work and larger societal issues that impact both clinician and clients/patients, assist clinicians to competently treat diverse populations, and contribute to furthering social justice as respected members of society. Each discussion group varies in topic, hours and fees. Further information, when available, will be posted on the events page.

School outreach service

Services Provided:

  • Education: Courses and Discussion Groups on emotional growth and development for school directors, teachers or parents.  
  • Consultation: Meeting with school directors, teachers or parents to help children develop their full potential.

We provide a pro bono, volunteer community service as part of our nonprofit mission. 
Click here to view the brochure.

School outreach service brochure.


Interested members form small groups with specific topics.

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