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  • January 26, 2017 6:05 AM | Anonymous

     It is with deep sadness and sense of loss that we are writing to let you know of the passing of Sam Wagonfeld.  Dr. Wagonfeld has been an important member of our Institute and Society for many years.  His contributions to both our psychoanalytic community and the broader Denver community have been important to many people and causes.  Sam was for many years Denver's only child analyst and was instrumental in starting our own child analytic program.  His intelligence and humor will be greatly missed.  His obituary can be found here.

  • August 23, 2016 6:05 AM | Anonymous

    There are events that strike with such sudden and unanticipated tragedy that we are left dazed and disoriented.  It is with great sadness that we notify you of the untimely death of Geoff Heron, our cherished friend and colleague and, for some, husband and father.  Geoff died of an aggressive form of lymphoma one week after the diagnosis was made, and treatment begun.  We have lost him, a man of uncommon grace, good humor, kindness, wisdom, and gentle strength.  He will be deeply missed by many.   A memorial service has been scheduled for 10:30am - 2:00pm this Sunday, August.28th.

  • January 01, 2016 6:04 AM | Anonymous

    It is with a sad heart that we announce that Holmer E. Olsen M.D. passed away.  Details regarding a memorial service in Denver will be distributed when we have more information, but it will be around March 26th.  His obituary can be found here.

  • November 05, 2015 6:03 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Noa Heiman, Ph.D. for being recognized as a 2016 Teacher's Academy Winner.

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