To apply for the Herbert S. Gaskill Award, current Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis candidates, PTP students, University of Colorado psychiatry residents, child fellows, and medical students may submit a paper developing ideas and exploring in-depth clinical work from a psychoanalytic or psychodynamic perspective, theory, and technique.
The requested length is 15 to 20 double-spaced pages, including references. Reference and in-text citation style should follow the American Psychological Association, APA, style for citation. The award includes a certificate and a cash prize of $500 to be given at Society Annual Business Meeting. Please submit papers to the Society office email: by April 15, 2025. Applicants need not be members of the Denver Psychoanalytic Society.
For more information or any additional questions about the paper's format or content, please contact Dr. Shana Adler, the Chair of the Awards Committee.